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Filter coffee

Thrilla Papilla No.2 SRT

Thrilla Papilla No.2 SRT

Marsellesa Natural
Microlot: Lote Reservorio - 10°04'44"N 84°13'37"W

Crazy like Obata, but crazy in a different way.

Whole beans
100% Arabica
own farm

In Stock
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200 g
Regular price 12,90 EUR
Regular price Sale price 12,90 EUR
Unit price €64,50  per  kg
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The Arabica “Marsellesa”

Obatá's big sister.

Marsellesa is genetically a sister variety to Obata. It grows a little taller and wider, which makes it very productive.

With plenty of sun exposure, its cherry can taste like a tropical fruit. As a coffee, Marsellesa typically tastes very juicy and has an elegant acidity. It thrives exceptionally well on our finca.

Other Bombastico coffee made from Marsellesa:

The “Natural” treatment

retains all natural flavors.

In the natural processing process, the whole coffee cherry is air-dried in the sun immediately after harvesting, without peeling the fruit or removing the pulp. Only after complete drying is the stone separated from the pulp.

This means that the coffee fruit contains a lot of natural sugar, which develops its natural sweetness in taste after roasting. This process also preserves many of the natural aromas of the whole coffee cherry.

yellow plum

Preparation recommendation

For a cup of really good coffee, the preparation is at least as important as the care of the coffee plants, the hand harvesting, the processing and roasting of the green coffee. All of our Thrilla Papillas from 01 to 05 are pure filter coffees.

We achieved excellent results with the Aeropress. The Chemex or a traditional hand filter, eg from Hario, can also extract excellent aromas from the coffee beans and provide just as complex a taste experience as a filter machine, eg from Mokkamaster, Poursteady or Bunn.

For these preparation methods we recommend the following brew ratios (ml brewed coffee / g weight):

Aeropress: 13 to 17 - Chemex: 14 to 16

Moccamaster: 15 to 17 – Hario V60: 16 to 19

In our shop you will find helpful accessories for preparation:

The Finca Los Diegos.

In such a beautiful place, only a delicious coffee can be created:

The Finca Los Diegos, at the foot of the Poas volcano in the Central Valley near San José. The best soil and the best climate on 66 hectares, including around 22 hectares of protected natural jungle. Run by a great team of real partners.

We grew the very first Marsellesas on the “Lote Reservorio” when hardly anyone knew this variety.

The many and productive plants have become indispensable and today Marsellesa is a very popular coffee in the Costa Rican coffee scene.

More interesting facts and stories about the finca.