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Hario Glass Coffee Dripper V60 02 - Black

Hario Glass Coffee Dripper V60 02 - Black

That's how filter coffee should be.

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Regular price 21,90 EUR
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Most of our coffees taste best in the traditional hand filter. Be it the very special aroma of our Thrilla Papillas or the multi-layered Omniroast Polyarom. If the coffee runs through the filter at the right speed, it takes the right aromas into the cup. The award-winning HARIO V60 is ideal for this and is the first choice of coffee professionals and lovers all over the world!

Conical shape, 60-degree angle, spiral inner ribs and a single bottom hole

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Technical data

Technical data:
Height: 95mm
Diameter: 115mm
Capacity: 1-4 cups
Weight: approx. 235g, dishwasher safe
Conical shape
60 degree angle
Spiral inner ribs
a single hole in the ground
Handle/holder: Color: Black; Material: Polypropylene
Heat-resistant glass
Made in Japan